You probably (haven't) noticed that I've been absent for the past (almost) Month. That's because every spare moment I had to be on the computer I was writing a friggin' novel, people. Yes I was! Woot! And here's a little shout out to my girl Dana Reiland who introduced me to it, kept me motivated up to the very end and who also won the contest. Vanilla Shake, baby.
I've never been a part of something like National Novel Writing Month before. I don't even know why it appealed to me. Well, that's not true. I've always thought writing a novel would be neat, but with all the other things I'm doing that I think are neat, it just wasn't on the top of the list.
Enter NaNoWriMo; the perfect excuse to open the laptop and spend lots and lots of time typing for no other reason than getting words out; 50,000 of them to win. That's the concept of NaNoWriMo, just to write write write without preconceptions or judgements or perfectionist tendencies. Just take the risk, go for it, feel it out, if it sucks deal with it later, get it out with abandon. (Sounds kind of like acting... hmm...)
And I did it, my people! It has nothing to do with food. It's a fantasy about parallel universes and it has faeries and witches and talking mirrors and cute boys and lots of forests and fog and horses. And it's the first in a series. Who knows what happens from here, but I'm definitely going to take the next month to fix and revise it. Then maybe I'll start an alternate blog and post a chapter a week or something. Or maybe try to get it published, even though I haven't the slightest idea of how to go about that.
But what matters most is that I accomplished this thing that seemed so abstract and wild when I first sat down to an empty Word document. The higher my word count got, the more invested I became and it essentially came down to a race with myself. I was writing upwards of 6k words a day and one day I wrote almost 10k. That, my people, is insane. Especially when I'm a busy-ish working person!
So here's a "hello again" from being on vacation in novel land. I'm back and I promise I'm going to post about food next time. Also, I've been full-on vegetarian since my last post. Yes, even over Thanksgiving.
Here's to me and Dana and all the other Wrimos who accomplished something amazing. We did it y'all and I'm so proud!!!
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